Kim Becker Design
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frechverlag x Kim Becker Design
A book by Kim Becker that contains all her knowledge about drawing with fineliners. Get insights into materials, techniques and try it yourself with the help of 15 detailed step-by-step illustrations.
Please be aware that the book is in German.
Available on February 14, 2022!
Ein Buch von Kim Becker, das ihr ganzes Wissen über das Zeichnen mit Finelinern enthält. Erhalte Einblicke in Materialien, Techniken und probiere es selbst aus, mit Hilfe von 15 detaillierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Abbildungen.
Erhältlich ab dem 14. Februar 2022!

Black & White

Get in Touch
Interested in learning more about my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Reach out today.
Tattoo Policy
Support the artist instead of stealing the art.
I receive a lot of requests about getting one of my designs tattooed.
I feel honored by this!
If you want one of my designs tattooed please buy a tattoo token so that I'm able to keep on creating new art for you.
I always love seeing the finished tattoos, feel free to share them with me!
[Tattooed and shot by Caro Walch @themagicsocietystudio]